Media & Gallery

Turkish Electronic Manufacturers Association:
Best Scientific Application Ph.D. Award (September 2023)

My Ph.D. has been selected as a finalist for the Ph.D. Thesis Award in 21. Innovative and Creative Awards by the Turkish Electronic Manufacturers Association link.
September 2023

MLCommons Machine Learning and Systems Research, Poster Presentation
@Google, August 2023

I am honoured to appear in the Rising Stars List (Acc. Rate: <35%)- MLCommons Machine Learning and Systems Research,
will be held @Google Headquarters, August 2023 

GLSVLSI Conference, The Best Paper Award - First Place, Knoxville, TN, USA, June 2023

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, BEST REVIEWER AWARD'22 announced on 2023

UL Lafayette CACS SeminarJan. 23

Seminar for ACM CSE - UL Lafayette, USA,
March 2023

Working with our Research Student - Jonas I Schmidt Emerging Comp. Tech. Lab. UL Lafayette, USA,
March 2023

My Ph.D. Defense, Prof. Serdar Ozoguz (leftmost), Prof Ece Olcay Gunes (left), me, and Prof. Murvet Kirci (right) November 2022

Me at the DAC'22 Conference, Ph.D. Forum

July 2022

Presentation for Our Lab. -  Center for Visual and Decision Informatics - CVDI 2022 Spring Industry Advisory Board Meeting - May 2022

ICACT'20 Conference -  Presentation in South Korea
Feb. 2020

A-year-long Ph.D. Research Visit , Catholique Universite de Louvain, Belgium
July 2019

AIEEE'18 -  Presentation in Lithuania, Vilnius
Nov. 2018

Joint. Int. Conf., Italy, Rome,
Dec. 2017

AIEEE'17 Conference, Riga, Latvia

Nov.. 2017

UBMK'17 Conference, Antalya, Turkey

Oct. 2017

My second visit to the USA, Agro-GeoInformatics Conference, Fairfax, USA

Aug. 2017

My first visit to the USA, ISDFS Conference, Little Rock, USA (I receipt the Best Paper Award)

April 2016

My first visit to China, Agro-GeoInformatics Conference, Tianjin, China

July 2016

My first visit to China, during presentation, Agro-GeoInformatics Conference, Tianjin, China

July 2016

AIEEE'15, My colleague Dr. Savas Okyay and me in Riga Technical University, Latvia 

Nov. 2015

AgroGeoInformatics'15 -
Istanbul, July 2015

ITU Grad. School Graduation Ceremony,
My Master's Degree - Istanbul Technical University,
with my mother and father,

ITU Grad. School Graduation Ceremony,
My Master's Degree - Istanbul Technical University,
My Supervisor Prof. Ece Olcay Gunes and me,

Just after my Master's Thesis Defense :) -
Istanbul Technical University
June 2015