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tiny Machine Learning and Embedded Computing Laboratory (tML-EC Lab)


Open Positions
Postdoc. - Emerging Computing



PhD. Students

Austin J Bryant

Austin has completed his B.Sc. in Computer Science in University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He has previously worked on a DARPA and an Airforce-funded project that focused on security mechanisms to prevent side-channel attacks and dynamic byte-taint analysis for reverse engineering binary executables, respectively. His current research is focused on the intersection of hyperdimensional computing, classical machine learning, and deep learning. Other interests include Transformers, Diffusion Models, Large Language Models (LLM), and Genetic Algorithms.

Abu Kaisar Mohammad Masum

Abu Kaisar Mohammad Masum earned his B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. He has served as a Lecturer at the same institution, teaching courses such as Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Artificial Intelligence. Abu has gained research experience as a Research Assistant at Apurba-DIU R&D Lab and as a Researcher at the DIU NLP and Machine Learning Research Lab, where he focused on Bengali text summarization, Bengali spell checking, automated data annotation, and language models utilizing transformers and attention mechanisms. His research interests include machine learning and hybrid classical-quantum machine learning. He is particularly interested in Machine Learning, Quantum Machine Learning, Large Language Models, and Natural Language Processing. Abu has received full funding to participate in the STAQ Quantum Summer School 2024 at Duke University, enhancing his expertise in quantum computing.

Undergrad. Students

Emilien J Meyer

Emilien is an undergraduate student finishing his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.  He is a member of the IEEE Student Branch at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  Since joining the lab in October, he has contributed to the area of efficient data processing in resource-constrained devices.

Colin E Dupuis

Colin Dupuis was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, in 2002. He received a high school diploma from St. Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is an undergraduate senior studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. In 2022 he became a student member of the national branch of IEEE. In 2021 he joined Arcadian Ambulance Service as a Computer Technician Intern. Mr. Dupuis is also currently a member of the Louisiana Society of Engineers and the ULL Club Lacrosse team.

Allison Zanyk

Allison is currently working towards her B. Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She is interested in researching hyperdimensional computing and mathematical optimization. She is experienced in web development using SQL, C#, F#, .Net, and React. Other interests include hiking, music composition, and the philosophy of mathematics.